Shop Safety Signs
(521 Products)Safety Signs in the Workplace Protect Employees and Customers
Safety signs are an easy, inexpensive way to reduce accidents and avert catastrophe. Keep a supply of Caution: Wet Floor signs on hand that your janitorial staff can place on recently washed floors to prevent staff and customers from slipping, and place a Watch Your Step sign near problem staircases. Hang large Fire Extinguisher signs over your fire extinguishers so that they are easy to identify if a fire occurs, and use a First Aid Kit sign to clearly mark your first aid kit. Caution: Keep Out signs should be placed in areas that are under construction or closed for cleaning.Alert Staff and Customers to Rules
Along with promoting safety, signs can also help to enforce specific company policy. If you run a no-smoking facility, then hang a No-Smoking sign to inform customers and employees. A restroom sign asking employees to wash their hands before returning to work provides a gentle cleanliness reminder that helps to stop germs from spreading throughout your office. Use an Employees Only sign to alert customers to areas they are prohibited from entering.
Promote Safety in Your Parking Lot
Don't forget about securing your parking lot. Use No Parking or Employee Parking Only signs to enforce your parking rules, and hang No Trespassing signs to keep the public away from private property. If your company utilizes parking lot video security, purchase a sign indicating as much — it may help to reduce crime.
Safety Tags for Effective Workplace Warnings
Safety tags are a great way to keep your employees on their toes when it comes to handling certain types of items. These versatile tags are useful for general inspections, issuing notices, keeping track of important items and warning people about hazards. Made of durable materials, these safety tags hold up well under normal wear and tear.
Choose Strong Messages or No Message
Safety tags are a great way for your employees to leave a strongly worded message on an item without writing it themselves. It only takes a few words to convey an important message, and Quill safety tags are worded in a way that your employees can understand easily. The most important words stick out in large letters, and your workers can quickly figure out what it is they should – or should not – do in mere seconds. Some tags include additional wording in smaller letters underneath bold headings.