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DataProducts Black Dot-Matrix Printer Ribbon (R5020)
Item #: 901-R5020
Data Products® R5020 black nylon printer ribbon designed for use with IBM 4224 Models 101, 102, 1E2, 1E3, 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3, XX1, XX1, XX2, XX3, 4230 and 4232
Compatible to IBM 1040440, 1040580
For use with: IBM 4224
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DataProducts Black Print Ribbon, Each (R5110)
Item #: 901-R5110
Compatible with IBM 1299845 ribbon
Prints in black
One ribbon in pack
Per each
DataProducts Lift-Off Correction Tape White Print Ribbon (R5111)
Item #: 901-R5111
Compatible with IBM 1337765 correcting film and uses R5110 ribbon
Correcting film in white color
One correction film in pack
1-24 each
Save 6%
25+ each
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