Medical Coding & Billing
Shop Medical Coding & Billing
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PMIC E/M Coding Tool [3E] (ME166)
Item #: 901-ME16623
The coding tool is continuously revised and updated, makes E/M coding faster and easier and is a great coding aid for both new and experienced coders. There are two ways to use the E/M Coding Tool.
For selecting E/M codes, move the pointer to the Category, for example Office and Other Outpatient Services, New Patient. Then you move the pointer to each code until the dots in the window correspond to the service provided.
To validate E/M codes that you have already chosen, move the pointer to the code, then review the components in the window to confirm that the required history, examination, medical decision making, nature of the presenting problem and time match the ...
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PMIC Collections Made Easy! [3E] (Me149)
Item #: 901-ME14923
The new third edition of our best-selling collection handbook is designed to help you learn how to collect your past-due accounts yourself, without giving up to half of your money away to collection agencies.
Packed with new information regarding the updated Fair Credit Reporting Act, the HIPAA privacy rule, revised forms, phone scripts, and updated information regarding Federal laws governing collection activities.
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