Velcro 2" self-adhesive hook, 25 yard dispenser box, black
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Fabrication Enterprises
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Velcro 2" self-adhesive hook, 25 yard dispenser box, black
Limited quantity available: 8 remaining
Frequently bought together
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Self-adhesive back bulk hook material can attached directly to object with sticky-back material
- Hook and Loop
- Adhesive Back Hook and Loop Fastener
- sticky-back is protected with film until it is ready for use
- Hook material can be mated with loop material to create a secure, yet removable bond
- 2" self-adhesive hook material
- 25 yard dispenser box
- Black
Adhesive Back
Adhesive Back
Fabrication Enterprises
Color Family
Environmental Design Features
Fastener Length (inches)
Over 100"
Fastener Width (inches)
Hook and Loop Product Type
Hook and Loop Style
Hook and Loop
Length (ft.)
Length in Inches
Selling Quantity
Selling Quantity (UOM)
True Color
Width in Inches
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