Learning Advantage Bank Account Math Game, Grades 5-8 (CRE4377)
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Learning Advantage Bank Account Math Game, Grades 5-8 (CRE4377)
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Bank account game gives Instructive experience in which players learn the basics of using a bank account.
Can you balance your checking account? Players learn a variety of processes involved in having a checking account. As they play around the gameboard, they write checks, make deposits, and keep accurate records. Real-life transactions include buying groceries, paying taxes, making car payments and paying medical bills. Checks, deposit slips, and currency from $1 to $100 are included. 2-5 players. Grades 5-12
- Math Learning Game
- Instructive Experience In Which Players Learn The Basics Of Using A Bank Account
- Includes Game Board With Spinner, Instructions, Checks And Deposit Slips, Checkbook Register, Masters For Checks, Deposit Slips, And Checkbook Register, Currency, 4 Pawns
- Recommended For Ages 10+ Years
Age Set
9+ Years
game board with spinner, instructions, check and deposit slips, masters for check and deposit slips, currency, 4 pawns
Education Subject Matter
Learning Game Type
Board Games
Number of Players
2-5 Players
Pack Qty
School Grade
True Color