Corel PhotoMirage Graphic Design for Windows, 1 User [Download]
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Corel PhotoMirage Graphic Design for Windows, 1 User [Download]
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Transform any image into a captivating animation in three simple steps. Whether you want to boost social engagement, drive results on the web, or simply have fun with photos, Corel PhotoMirage is your key to creating attention-grabbing photo animations that engage, inspire, and transfix. PhotoMirage is the extraordinary tool that helps you break through the visual clutter. It's easy to create scroll-stopping, share-worthy photo animations that will capture and hold the attention of viewers, and advance your social media game.
- Speedy Email Delivery: Receive your download code shortly after purchase, within 24 hours! (Don't forget to check your junk or spam folder.) Please Note: Downloadable Software is Not Returnable.
- This software is your key to creating attention-grabbing photo animations that engage, inspire, and transfix
- Operating system: Windows 10/8/8.1/7 with the latest service pack (64-/32-bit)
- Drag and drop Motion Arrows over the parts of the image you want to move
- Plot Anchor Points around the areas you want to keep still
- Hit Play to watch your image transform into a looping animation, then save or share
- Use the hypnotic appeal of photo animation to remedy decreasing attention spans and an overabundance of static visual content
- Provides a refreshing way to attract attention in a competitive digital landscape
- Create an original animated background for your website or blog and watch your conversions grow
- Easy to export for various social and sharing platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Flickr, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Google Photo, and SmugMug
- Start with a JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, or RAW photo, and finish with a WMV, MP4, or GIF
- Enjoy a smoothly finished product with an output of 60 frames per second and an ultrahigh-definition resolution with support for 4K
- System requirements: Intel Core i3 or AMD A4 3GHz (or faster) processor; Intel Core i5/i7 or AMD Athlon A10 (or higher) for Full HD/4K output support; 2GB of RAM (4GB recommended for 2K/4K project preview and output support); 500MB of available hard disk space (1GB recommended); 16-bit color depth display with 1280 x 768 resolution (1366 x 768 resolution and 24-bit or higher color depth recommended); DirectX 9 or higher, Internet connection
- Import formats supported: JPG/JPEG/BMP/GIF (Still)/TIFF/PNG/RAW
- Export formats supported: MP4 (H.264)/MP4 (HEVC)/WMV/GIF (animated)
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Graphic Design
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