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Dream classroom

Dream classroom

What's in My Dream Classroom?
Ultimate Teacher Wish List Revealed

Imagine your dream classroom, where budgets don't exist and a magic genie happily delivers any supply or item you could ever want. Sounds pretty great, doesn't it? While we don't live in a fantasy land, we did ask the WeAreTeachers Facebook community what things they would want in their classroom — no strings, no limit. We had a lot of teachers chime in, and here's what they added to the ultimate teacher wish list.

1. Wobble Stools

You'll never have to ask a student to sit still again (well, probably not), but these stools are intended for just that. Especially good for students with ADHD or autism, these wobble stools allow for freedom of movement and will help your busy students stay focused while working.

2. Chromebook

Teachers are itching for technology, and we understand why. A classroom fitted with Chromebooks (add in a Chromebook charging & storage cart while you're at it) would allow students to type class notes, develop their writing, watch videos and more.

3. Assistant

So many teachers chimed in about wanting an education assistant to offer additional support in the classroom, specifically to provide extra eyes and ears. We hear you loud and clear! While an additional set of hands might not always be possible, we believe in you (insert Rocky theme song). You got this.

4. Unlimited Writing Utensils

Whether it's Ticonderoga® pencils, Sharpie® fine point permanent markers or erasable Crayola® colored pencils, one thing is for sure: you can never have enough.

5. Storage Cabinet

If you're going to have an abundance of writing utensils, you'll need a place to store them. Enter the heavenly storage cabinet. Consider adding a cabinet that has an optional lock — there's no guarantee kiddos' hands won't rummage through, but you'll have the option to lock it up when necessary.

6. More Space

It's quite nearly impossible for teachers to finagle a bigger classroom, but we can dream, can't we? In addition to more space, a few people from our community want a restroom in their classroom. I think they're on to something.

7. T1 Navigator System

With this nifty gadget, you can increase student participation, monitor class progress and modify instruction as needed. If you can't have an assistant, maybe T1 is the next best thing.

8. Color Copier and Printer

Amanda A. says, "I teach students with moderate to intensive special needs. I would love to have a color copier for my classroom to create communication icons." And what's a colored printer without an unlimited supply of ink and copy paper? Throw those in too.

9. Therapy Pet

It's proven that interaction with a gentle, friendly pet has both mental and physical health benefits for kids. Plus, dogs are oh-so-adorable.

10. Stand-up Desk

Besides the wobble stool, we heard many pleas for alternative student seating — especially for a stand-up desk. Pamela M. says, "I would really want a stand-up desk for any student who wanted one or needed one." We're on the same page, Pamela. Sitting for long periods is harder than it seems.

11. SMART Board

See ya, chalk board. This digital dry-erase board allows for ultimate collaboration. You can write and draw on the board then instantly transfer what's written to any device or share the content via a mobile app to anywhere in the world. We're talking a teacher's secret power here.

Money, money, money, moooneeyy!

Multiple teachers kept their responses simple: money. Kerry N said, "I would love unlimited money to buy books for my classroom library." Liz C. said, "Enough money to provide each student with his or her own personal library full of books that they can read on their own." Bravo, teachers!

Samsung TV

Laura F. said, "If I could have three dream items for my classroom, they would be a large Samsung TV so we can project information, interactive tables and less than 15 students so that I can really fill holes in learning. Actually, if I could just have the last one, I'd pay for the others myself!" We're not sure we can minimize your classroom, Laura, but we agree: a Samsung TV for projecting would be quite nice.

Big, Pink Erasers

Mistakes fuel learning, so why not fill your classroom drawers with large erasers? These not only encourage creative snafus, they minimize the classic chewed-off pink pencil topper. Win-win.

Barista and a beach

We can dream, right? Chris B. said, "A beach for meditation and long walks during lunch." Make it even better with a coffee when you get back to your desk, Chris. Multiple teachers requested their own personal barista.

Like they say: You can't buy happiness, but you can buy coffee... and that's pretty close.

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