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The perfectly organized teacher desk, complete with an apple, might exist in stock images, but we all know it's a far cry from reality. In fact, most teachers we know don't even have a traditional desk. "I had a desk, but I never sat at it. I mostly used it for storage," says teacher Jen Bianchi. "Once I got rid of it, it opened up so much room."

So why are so many educators opting to lose the traditional desk? More space and better collaboration are the top reasons, but teachers also told us they just weren't sitting at and using their desks anymore. Now we know you still need a place to grade papers, meet with students, and do lesson planning, so we found five great alternatives. If you've been thinking about giving up your desk, try one of these ideas instead.

4. Convert Your Sitting Desk to a Standing One

Study after study has touted the benefits of using a standing desk, which include better posture and even a reduced risk of cancer (seriously!), plus here are some of the other benefits mentioned in the article.

If you're able to go all-in and buy a new desk, we like the one pictured at left. It was designed for students, but we think it's perfect for teachers too. If you need to make your current setup work or you have less to spend, try a desktop conversion option. These just sit on your current desk and elevate everything to a standing position.

Written by Stacy Tornio. Stacy Tornio is a senior editor with WeAreTeachers.

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