Step 1
Gather your supplies.

Step 2
Using a red marker, draw on the snowman cheeks. Next, draw on the mouth. We drew ours as black dots to resemble coal. Be creative — there's no right or wrong way.

Step 3
After you've drawn your snowman face, cut a triangle-shaped nose out of the orange construction paper. Glue it to the cup with your glue stick. You're done!
Melted snowman bottle label
Add even more winter fun to the party by downloadng our Meted Snowman bottle label. Sirnply download, print and attach to a bottle using glue or tape. Click here to download PDF.
Hints & Tips
Try using pony beads for a mouth.
Pom pons or buttons make a great "coal mouth" instead of drawing with marker.
Keep your snowman warm by addng a ribbon or yarn scarf.
Try wiggle eyes instead of drawing your snowman eyes.
Give red glitter a try for the cheeks.