Set your "Out of Office"
Quill Travel powered by Expedia lets you use & earn Quill Rewards points with every booking.
Earn points on Quill Travel
Just like you earn points at, you now earn points on bookings at
Discounts on bookings
Use your points for dollars off at Quill Travel. Keep earning points to get bigger and bigger discounts.
Hotels, flights, & activities
Use and earn points on any kind of reservation you book at Quill Travel. The choice is all yours.
Quill rewards & coupons
Head over to and use the points you earn at Quill Travel for gifts or extra business savings.
Points are added automatically
You'll see your points in your Quill account as soon as your reservation is completed.
Your points your way
Earn and use points on every order and booking, and save up for the best rewards and discounts.
Where will Quill Travel powered by Expedia take you? Start exploring today.
Quill Rewards points are earned by booking eligible hotels, flights, and activities at Quill Travel powered by Expedia ( You'll earn 1 point for every $1 spent.
Yes, you can still earn points on discounted or promotional bookings, as long as the booking qualifies under the program's terms.
Yes, you must have a Quill account to earn points.
No, Quill Rewards points are only earned when bookings are made directly through Quill Travel powered by Expedia (
No, Quill Rewards points are non-transferable and can only be used by the account holder who earned them.
You can redeem Quill Reward points on eligible hotel bookings, flights, and certain activities, depending on the terms of the specific offer. Note: Points aren't redeemable on bundled bookings, only single transactions.
Quill Rewards points can be redeemed during the checkout process on eligible bookings. You'll have the option to apply your points to reduce the price of your reservation.
Yes, you can use Quill Rewards points for partial payment, combining points with a credit card or other payment methods.
If you cancel a booking made with Quill Rewards points, the points used will be refunded to your account.
If you didn't earn points, it could be due to several reasons: the booking may not have been eligible, you might have used a third-party site, or you didn't log in to your Expedia account.
Points will remain in a pending state on until the booked reservation is completed.