Teacher Grants, Contests & Awards

Bluegrass in the Schools Minigrants
The Foundation for Bluegrass Music
Geographic Eligibility:
The Foundation for Bluegrass Music makes minigrants that support educational in-school programs, such as school assemblies, that present bluegrass music. The foundation gives priority to presentations with a central focus on bluegrass music.
Up to $200
Applications are accepted year-round.
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ecoSolution Grants
Captain Planet Foundation, Inc.
Geographic Eligibility:
The Captain Planet Foundation awards ecoSolution Grants to support solution-oriented, youth-led projects that result in real environmental outcomes. Projects must be solution-oriented, project-based, performed by youth, and have real environmental outcomes.
$500 to $2,500
January 15, annually
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Education Grants
MAXIMUS Charitable Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The goal of the MAXIMUS Charitable Foundation is to award grants to organizations and charities that help disadvantaged individuals and underserved communities. The foundation's funding priorities are youth and child development, community development, and health care. Under the youth and child development category, priority is given to programs that serve disadvantaged or low-income youth. Program areas may include but are not limited to: child abuse prevention and supportive services, child hunger and nutrition services, and enrichment and education programs.
$2,500 to $5,000
January 31, annually
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Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship Fund
National Council of Teachers of English
Geographic Eligibility:
These scholarships provide funding for professional development experiences for English and language arts classroom teachers in public educational institutions. The purpose of the scholarship is to support postgraduate training to enhance teaching skills or career development in teaching.
January 31, annually
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Nila Banton Smith Teacher as Researcher Grant
International Literacy Association
Geographic Eligibility:
This grant supports prekindergarten through grade 12 teachers who undertake action research inquiries about literacy and instruction in their classroom. The study project may be carried out using any research method or approach so long as the focus is on reading/writing or literacy.
January 15, 2018
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Paul A. Gagnon Prize
National Council for History Education
Geographic Eligibility:
The National Council for History Education annually awards the Paul A. Gagnon Prize. The prize is awarded to either a teacher in kindergarten through grade 12 who exhibits exceptional historical scholarship, or to individuals or groups that have made a significant contribution to the promotion of history education.
$1,000, plus complimentary registration for the National Council for History Education National Conference
January 5, 2018
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School Grants
Roller Skating Association International
Geographic Eligibility:
The Roller Skating Foundation strives to promote physical fitness and build self-esteem among school age children and prevent substance abuse. The foundation makes grants to support the sport of roller skating. Funds may be used for field trips to roller skating centers, as well as innovative projects designed to improve physical fitness or education. Proposed programs should be creative and show a need for funds.
$250 to $500
January 10, 2018
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US Army, Army Educational Outreach Program
Geographic Eligibility:
eCYBERMISSION is a web-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competition free for students in grades 6 through 9. Teams of students can compete for state, regional, and national awards while working to solve problems in their communities. Teams must choose a Mission Challenge then identify a specific community problem that can be addressed through research and experiments. This year's Mission Challenges include alternative sources of energy; environment; food, health, and fitness; forces and motion; national security and safety; robotics; and technology.
First-place winners receive a $1,000 US Series EE Savings Bond.
December 17, 2017
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Linda S. Puntney Teacher Inspiration Award
Journalism Education Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The Linda S. Puntney Teacher Inspiration Award of excellence from the Journalism Education Association (JEA) annually recognizes a teacher who, through the teaching and advising of journalism, has inspired others to pursue journalism teaching as a career and who has made a positive difference in the teaching community.
One annual winner receives travel and hotel expenses to attend the summer JEA Advisers Institute.
December 15, 2017
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Outstanding Environmental Educator of the Year
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment and National Science Teachers Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The Outstanding Environmental Educator of the Year recognizes the outstanding efforts of students, teachers, and community leaders across the country, who are working at the grass roots level to protect and preserve the environment. The award recognizes the efforts of schools, youth groups, individuals and companies working to make a difference.
$10,000, plus an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education
December 15, 2017
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Special Needs Program Grants
Innovative Worthy Projects Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
Innovating Worthy Projects Foundation provides funding for structuring, developing, or modifying special needs children's programs. The Foundation makes grants to organizations dedicated to developing innovative programs, disseminating ideas, or providing direct care or services for children with special needs, acute illnesses, or chronic disabilities.
Awards vary.
December 31, annually.
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Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers
National Science Teachers Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers honors one kindergarten through grade 6 teacher for an interdisciplinary, inquiry-based lesson plan that reflects National Science Education Standards and demonstrates teaching excellence.
$1,000, plus to up to $500 to attend the NSTA National Conference.
December 15, 2017
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Woodrow Wilson STEM Teaching Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship program supports teaching certification and a master's degree in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) teaching field for career changers and recent graduates with STEM backgrounds. Fellows receive a stipend to complete a master's program at a participating university in Georgia or New Jersey, along with three years of mentoring, and commit to teach for three years in a designated high-need urban or rural secondary school. The goal of the teaching fellowship program is to recruit, train, and retain the nation's best and brightest STEM teachers. Fellows participate in one full-time year of coursework at a partner university of their choice, culminating in teacher certification.
$30,000 stipend
November 30, 2017
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Education and Technology Program Progress Grants
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio
Geographic Eligibility:
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio, offers Education and Technology Program (ETP) grants to public and nonprofit schools in the United States. ETP Progress Grants are awarded to teachers who are currently using amateur radio as an instructional tool and need additional resources for a specific purpose, as well as to teachers who need resources for getting started with instruction in wireless technology and electronics as part of a long-range plan to include amateur radio in the curriculum. Progress Grants also may be used to supplement existing resources for such items as amateur radio license manuals and instructor guides, school ham radio station upkeep, and station upgrades.
Up to $500
November 1, annually
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ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., administered by the American Chemical Society
Geographic Eligibility:
The American Chemical Society (ACS) recognizes significant accomplishments by individuals in the United States who encourage disadvantaged students to choose careers in chemical sciences and engineering. The award also seeks to promote a broader appreciation of chemistry as the central science.
$5,000, $1,500 in travel expenses to receive the award, and $10,000 for the institution chosen by the recipient.
November 1, annually
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E2 Energy to Educate Grants
Constellation Energy Resources, LLC, an Exelon Company
Geographic Eligibility:
Through the E2 Energy to Educate grant program, Constellation Energy Resources, LLC offers grades 6 through 12 and college students opportunities to problem-solve today's and tomorrow's energy challenges. Grants fund projects designed to enhance students' understanding of science and technology and to inspire them to think differently about energy. Successful projects should be hands-on, engage at least 100 students, and align with one of three energy knowledge and innovation focus areas of what the future of transportation will look like with new technology, how decentralized energy generation is improving efficiency and resilience, or how to harness energy that would otherwise be wasted.
Grants up to $25,000 each are awarded for grades 6 through 12, and grants up to $50,000 each are awarded for two- and four-year colleges.
October 1, annually
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Early Childhood Education Grants
Francis R. Dewing Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Frances R. Dewing Foundation makes grants to support projects in early childhood education for children aged 2 through grade 6. Priority is given to new, untried, or unusual educational organizations or institutions experimenting with novel educational methods for young children and elementary-age students. Project proposals must address specific identifiable needs through activities that involve children or students directly. Innovative projects with potential for broad influence, such as through publication, are favored.
$1,000 to $20,000
October 1, annually
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Mary McMullan Grants to Promote Art Education
National Art Education Foundation, a division of the National Art Education Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The National Art Education Foundation awards the Mary McMullan Grants to fund projects that promote art education as an integral part of the curriculum and establish or improve art instruction in elementary and secondary schools, as well as higher education. Projects for the Mary McMullan Grants may be classroom-based action research in the form of curriculum models, pilot projects, and policy models.
Up to $2,500
October 1, annually
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ALAN Foundation Grants
Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English
Geographic Eligibility:
The Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English (ALAN) Foundation provides support for research in young adult literature, including dissertation research likely to make a contribution to the field. Teachers, librarians, and others in the field of young adult literature may apply.
Up to $1,500
September 15, annually
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Green Thumb Challenge Grant
Green Education Foundation and Gardener's Supply Company
Geographic Eligibility:
Green Education Foundation (GEF) and Gardener's Supply Company have teamed up on a funding opportunity for established youth garden projects nationwide. The organizations are calling on kindergarten through grade 12 schools and youth groups to submit chronicles of their garden projects in a race to win a cash prize. The award is designed to support the continued sustainability of an exceptional youth garden program that has demonstrated success, and has impacted the lives of children and their communities.
September 30, annually
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Les Paul Music Grants
The Les Paul Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Les Paul Foundation supports music-focused activities. The foundation makes grants for music, music engineering, and sound programs for youth; medical research; programs related to hearing impairment; and public exhibits. Previous grants were used to fund music camps, music and hearing programs, and classroom projects.
September 15, annually
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Classroom Technology Grants
Educators of America, Inc.
Geographic Eligibility:
Educators of America, Inc. offers Classroom Technology Grants to promote student achievement and technology integration. Funding allows schools to furnish a classroom or entire building with needed technology tools with the goal of enhancing students' skills, effective teaching, and instructional methods. Grants may be used to purchase technology such as web-connected devices; electronic whiteboards; tablets; and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics lab equipment.
Applications are accepted year-round.
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Collaboration Grants
DiscoverE, the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
Geographic Eligibility:
DiscoverE offers Collaboration Grants designed to launch a new engineering outreach program. Grants facilitate collaborations between engineering organizations, educational organizations, and engineers, and are intended to engage kindergarten through grade 12 youth with hands-on learning experiences. Priority is given to programs that engage underserved youth. Grants may be used for program support, transportation, and educational materials.
Applications are accepted until funding is depleted.
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Thomson Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award
Institute for Scientific Information, administered by the Information Science Education Committee
Geographic Eligibility:
The purpose of the annual Thomas Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award is to recognize the unique teaching contribution of an individual as a teacher of information science. The award recipient must be directly engaged in teaching some aspect of information science on a continuing basis, in an academic or a nonacademic setting.
Cash awards up to $1,000 are awarded, plus a grant of $500 for travel or other expenses to the grant recipient, contingent upon the winner's attendance at the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) annual meeting, and a grant of $250 to ASIS&T Headquarters towards administrative fees.
August 1, annually
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Toshiba America Grant Program for 6-12 Science and Math Educators
Toshiba America Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
Toshiba America Foundation accepts applications from teachers who are passionate about making science and mathematics more engaging for their students. The foundation seeks to support teachers by providing funds to support classroom projects. The foundation strongly encourages projects planned and led by individual teachers or teams of teachers for their own classrooms. Successful projects tap into the natural curiosity of students, enable students to frame their own scientific questions, and incorporate the expertise of community partners. Applications must be for project-based learning.
$5,000 and greater
August 1 and February 1, annually
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Mazda Foundation Education Grant
Mazda Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Mazda Foundation supports a range of programs that foster youth literacy, maintain a clean environment, preserve historic landmarks, and enhance a cross-cultural understanding. The foundation awards grants to programs promoting education and literacy, environmental conservation, cross-cultural understanding, social welfare, and scientific research. Recently the foundation has supported an after-school program that helps students develop as leaders and inspires them to engage in service in their communities; a program to provide essential items to children entering foster care and crisis shelters, an after-school tutoring program, and a program providing shoes to students in need.
July 1, annually.
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Youth Microgrant Program
Karma for Cara Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Karma for Cara Foundation encourages children up to age 18 to apply for funds to complete service projects in their communities. The foundation considers service projects such as turning a vacant lot into a community garden, rebuilding school playgrounds, or helping senior citizens get their homes ready for winter.
$250 to $1,000
July 1, annually.
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The TESOL Teacher of the Year Award
National Geographic Learning and Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International Association and National Geographic Learning created the TESOL Teacher of the Year Award to recognize and honor exceptional English language teachers at the elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education levels.
Applicants should inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn, have a positive impact on students and colleagues, participate in continuing professional development, create a supportive and encouraging learning environment, play an active role in the school and community, incorporate innovative and effective lesson strategies and evaluation techniques, and demonstrate a commitment to English language teaching.
One annual winner of the Teacher of the Year Award receives a cash prize of $1,000; $250 voucher to the TESOL bookstore; free one-year TESOL membership; free registration, hotel for three nights, and round-trip airfare to attend the TESOL International Convention and English Language Expo in the year of the award.
July 19, annually.
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Music Workshops for Teachers and School Music Program Support
Little Kids Rock
Geographic Eligibility:
Little Kids Rock strives to ensure that all students in kindergarten through grade 12 have access to music education. Programs include free teacher training workshops. Trained teachers then receive donations of curricula, instruments, and other resources to launch the Modern Band music programming for students at their schools. Schools have the option to offer Modern Band music classes during regular school hours or as after-school enrichment programming. Modern Band programming emphasizes performance, composition, and improvisation over reading notes. Students learn to play rock, blues, rap, hip-hop, reggae, and other popular styles of music on guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, vocals, technology, and computers. Eligible applicants are public school teachers near Little Kids Rock workshops. New workshops are constantly being added.
Teacher workshops and resources, including instruments, are awarded.
Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round. Check the website for specific workshop deadlines.
June 1, annually.
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Pathway to Financial Success Grant
Geographic Eligibility:
The Pathway to Financial Success Grants are intended to bring financial education to classrooms to help children learn to make sensible financial decisions and reach their goals. High school teachers are eligible to apply for a grant to incorporate financial education into the curriculum. Interested schools must have implemented or be looking to implement a financial education curriculum; have a measurement tool planned or in place to assess participation in and comprehension of the financial education curriculum; and agree to share overall results of the measurement tool's pre- and post-curriculum testing with Discover upon the program's completion to assess what worked and what did not.
Applications are accepted year-round.
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Award for Outstanding Mentor
Association for Science Teacher Education
Geographic Eligibility:
The Award for Outstanding Mentor honors and encourages Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) members who support and encourage preservice and in-service science teachers and new science teacher educators entering the profession. It also seeks to recognize the valuable contributions of mentors to the profession of science teacher education. Outstanding mentors show accomplishments and contributions to the professional development of science teachers and teacher educators with the following: assisting in the application of research to practice in science teaching; encouraging participation in professional associations related to science teaching; encouraging contributions to the knowledge base of science teacher educators; and providing opportunities for their professional growth.
June 1, annually.
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ChemClub Community Activities Grants
American Chemical Society
Geographic Eligibility:
Community Activities Grants support chartered American Chemical Society (ACS) ChemClubs in community interactions by service projects or improving science learning experiences. The activity must involve the community and be chemistry related. Examples include science demonstrations at a local elementary or middle school, recycling program for a local community, and tutoring programs for chemistry students. Students must be heavily involved in the planning and execution of the project.
Chartered ChemClubs are eligible to receive up to $300. A special award up to $500 is given to community activities done in collaboration with ACS student chapters (college chapters) or ACS Local Sections.
June 1, annually
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Field Trip Fund
Civil War Trust
Geographic Eligibility:
The Civil War Trust promotes education, commemoration, and contemplation of the Civil War history. Field Trip Funds provide financial assistance to teachers planning on visiting Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefields and other historic sites. Funds may be used to cover transportation, meals, admission, and fees for guides or presenters.
Up to $1,500
Applications are accepted year-round.
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NREA Outstanding Service Award
National Rural Education Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The National Rural Education Association (NREA) Outstanding Service Award is presented annually to an NREA member who has demonstrated contributions in one or more of the following areas:
- The development of leadership potential of rural youth and adults in a rural district or region.
- The enhancement of rural community development.
- Supporting and assisting in furthering the effectiveness of communications between local school districts and business/industry, governmental agencies, and institutions of higher education.
- Facilitates partnerships among schools, between schools, and the private sector.
- Supports legislation to enhance rural schools and education.
- Supports exemplary practices.
- Promotes advocacy of rural education.
- Provides leadership in the development of rural education related conferences and workshops.
Award recipient receives complimentary registration to the annual NREA convention to receive the award.
June 15, annually
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Project Competition
American Statistical Association and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Geographic Eligibility:
The American Statistical Association/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability and the American Statistical Association's Education Department encourage students and their advisers to participate in the Project Competition. Students work individually or in teams of up to four to answer a research question of their choosing using statistical techniques and then present their work in a written report. Students should use statistical methods typically encountered in an introductory statistics course. They can receive adult guidance, as long as the extent of the guidance is acknowledged in their written report.
First-prize winners receive $300, a plaque, and a plaque for the school; second-prize winners receive $200 and a plaque; third-prize winners receive $100 and a plaque; and honorable-mention winners receive a plaque. First-place winners and their advisors receive TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Graphing Calculators.
June 1, annually
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Math Ideas with Liberal Arts Connections
Developed at Westfield State University in Massachusetts, Discovering the Art of Mathematics
Mathematical Inquiry in the Liberal Arts is publicly available through a collection of free books and workshops. Rooted in inquiry-based learning, the approach focuses on student-led investigations into problems, experiments, and prompts. For example, the freely downloadable learning guide "Discovering the Art of Mathematics: Dance" lets students investigate connections between mathematical ideas and concepts, and dance-related ideas and patterns. Moving in symmetry will lead to classifying types of symmetry and Frieze patterns. Dancing Salsa Rueda allows students to explore combinatorial ideas, while Contra Dancing links with group theory and permutations. Students will discover topological ideas while playing with different positions in Partner Salsa Dancing and use Maypole dancing to investigate fundamental domains and create beautiful geometric patterns. Other books center around the topics of Art & Sculpture; Calculus; Games & Puzzles; Geometry; Knot Theory; Music; Number Theory; Patterns; The Infinite; as well as Truth, Reasoning, Certainty & Proof.
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Stories Behind Science Discoveries
Tumble podcasts for children share the stories behind science discovery. Co-hosted by a science journalist and a teacher, the podcasts explore how science actually works as a process. The stories range from the voyage of ocean trash to the tower of a vomiting robot! The podcast "The Mystery of When Brains and Sports Collide" helps students to discover what happens to the brain when someone gets hit in the head playing rough or risky sports. Students also learn how American football players have helped scientists unravel a mystery that could change the way sports are played.
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"Living in a Material World" Teacher Grants
ASM Materials Education Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The ASM Materials Education Foundation awards grants for teachers to bring the real world of material science into their classroom. The purpose of these grants is to enhance awareness of materials science and the role of materials scientists in society. Through the network of local chapters across the US, ASM members are willing to work closely with local teachers to develop and implement these lessons. Projects should involve student observation, communications, mathematics, and science skills.
May 25, annually
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ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., administered by the American Chemical Society
Geographic Eligibility:
This award is intended to recognize significant accomplishments by individuals who have stimulated or fostered the interest of women to elect careers in chemistry, promoting their professional developments as chemists or chemical engineers. In addition, the award recognizes accomplishments in generating a broader appreciation of chemistry as the central science.
Grants of $5,000 are awarded, as well as a certificate. Additionally, a $10,000 grant is awarded to an academic institution, designated by the recipient, to strengthen its activities in meeting the objectives of the award. Up to $1,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award is presented is reimbursed.
November 1, annually
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Education and Technology Program School Station Grants
American Radio Relay League
Geographic Eligibility:
The Education and Technology Program (ETP) of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) provides funding and resources to public elementary, middle, and high schools in the United States. ETP School Station Grants are awarded for the purpose of purchasing equipment to set up a school amateur (ham) radio station to be used as part of an enrichment program or classroom learning.
Up to $1,500
November 1, annually
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Small Steps in Speech Grants
Small Steps in Speech
Geographic Eligibility:
Small Steps in Speech provides grants on behalf of children with speech and language disorders for therapies, treatments, communicative devices, and other services aimed at improving their communication skills, including software applications. Grants are awarded for therapies, materials, or workshops. Grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations on behalf of children from birth up to the age of 22 years who are US citizens.
$1,800 to $3,000
November 1, annually
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Curriculum Development Grants
The American Turkish Society
Geographic Eligibility:
Grants are awarded to US kindergarten through grade 12 educators to develop innovative curricula, projects, and other classroom activities about Turkey. Preference is given to schools that do not currently have Turkey-related programs in place. Grantee also have the opportunity to be chosen for an expense-paid trip to Turkey to attend workshops in Istanbul, Izmir, or Tarsus; dialogue with teachers about curriculum development; and learn about potential teaching opportunities at SEV schools.
$250 to $2,500
November 30, annually
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SHIP Grants for Art Education Resources
National Art Education Foundation, a division of the National Art Education Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) awards small SHIP Grants to kindergarten through grade 12 and postsecondary education art educators seeking art equipment or instructional curriculum resources to support student learning specifically related to the National Visual Arts Standards.
Up to $500
October 1, annually
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Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Grant Program
Wild Ones
Geographic Eligibility:
The Wild Ones environmental organization annually awards small grants to schools, nature centers, houses of worship, and other nonprofit places of learning for projects that focus on appreciation for nature through the use of and teaching about native plants. Projects involving multiple teachers from a variety of disciplines are preferred. The grant supports projects that involve students in all phases of development, including project planning.
Up to $500
October 15, annually
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Wireless, STEM, and Radio Technology Education Project Grants
The Alfred E. Friend, Jr., W4CF, Educational Activities Fund of the American Radio Relay League Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
These grants support educational programs and activities of amateur radio organizations, with special emphasis on projects involving youth and teacher development. Eligible projects include explorations and ongoing education related to wireless; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); and radio technology. Preference is given to applicants with local radio club participation and supported by community fundraising.
$1,000 to $3,000
October 1, annually
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Gary Dickinson Award for Teaching Excellence
SAE International
Geographic Eligibility:
Focus: The Gary Dickinson Award for Teaching Excellence recognizes an outstanding middle school teacher or a team of teachers who have made creative and exemplary use of the A World In Motion (AWIM) program to further develop students' understanding and experience in mathematics, science, and engineering. AWIM brings science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (STEM) education to life for students with hands-on activities that align to current educational standards.
October 30, annually
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Learning and Leadership Grants
The NEA Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
NEA Foundation 's Learning and Leadership Grants support public school teachers, public education support professionals, and faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education for one of the following two purposes:
- Grants to individuals fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research.
- Grants to groups fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff.
Grants of $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups are awarded.
October 15, annually
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YouthTouch STEM Grants
Goldenrod Research Company
Geographic Eligibility:
The Goldenrod Research Corporation supports hands-on technology in the classroom through its YouthTouch Grant. Hands-on technology education tools bring mathematics and science to life for schools that then become pilot or referral sites for YouthTouch. The grant program provides an opportunity to affordably integrate hands-on robotics and fluid power technology into grades 3 through 8 classrooms.
September 30, annually
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Gallo Grants
Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English
Geographic Eligibility:
Gallo Grants provides support for middle and high school educators in their early years of teaching to attend an annual Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English workshop focused on young adult literature and to incorporate young adult books into their classrooms. Educators will be chosen based on their ability to articulate their understanding of the value of Young Adult literature, as well as how they intend to use young adult books and the information they gather at the workshop in their own classrooms.
Up to $750
September 1, annually
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Japanese Language Learners Event Grant
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles
Geographic Eligibility:
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (JFLA) provides financial support for Japanese-language related events on the national, state, and regional levels (speech contests, quiz contests, or presentational events) that are intended to motivate a large number of Japanese-language learners in multiple schools featuring different educational levels (primary, secondary, collegiate levels, and adults), and promote Japanese-language education in the area.
Up to $1,000
September 1, annually
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Youth Grants
Finish Line Youth Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
Finish Line Youth Foundation directs funding to organizations in communities where Finish Line employees live and work that provide opportunities for youth participation in the following areas: Youth athletic programs: community-based programs addressing active lifestyle and team-building skills. Camps: established camps with an emphasis on sports and active lifestyle, especially programs serving disadvantaged and special needs children.
$1,000 to $5,000
September 30, annually
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Independent Secondary Education
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The mission of the Edward E. Ford Foundation is to strengthen and support independent secondary schools and to challenge and inspire them to leverage their unique talents, expertise, and resources. The foundation seeks to advance teaching and learning by supporting and disseminating best practices, supporting efforts to develop and implement models of sustainability, and by encouraging collaboration with other institutions.
The average grant awarded is $50,000 or less, with a 1:1 match.
September 15, annually
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Action Research Project Awards for Teachers
The Hoenny Center for Research and Development in Teaching
Geographic Eligibility:
Awards support up to five classroom research projects in the area of students as peer teachers. Projects should consist of gathering and summarizing data related to a professional question of interest to the teacher within the general area of peer teaching and learning in the classroom. Applicants must be full-time prekindergarten through grade 12 teachers and conduct the research themselves.
Up to $500
July 1, annually
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Robert J. Stevenson Scholarship
Leadership Foundation for Teacher Education of The Association of Teacher Educators and the Stevenson Family
Geographic Eligibility:
The scholarship is awarded annually to assist a classroom teacher working toward an advanced degree to enhance teacher leadership skills. Applicants may be engaged in the study of curriculum and instruction or supervision. Teachers taking coursework leading to National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be a member of the Association of Teacher Educators and be a graduate student. The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, or other education expenses.
July 15, annually
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Hagerty Education Program
America's Car Museum
Geographic Eligibility:
The program promotes learning skills necessary to preserve and restore collector vehicles. The program offers grants to education programs that offer hands-on education in building and restoring vehicles. Previous grants were used to fund a high school car restoration project, equipment for auto body classes, automobile museum education program developments, and professional educators for high school auto shop classes.
July 15, annually
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Global Studies Grant for Faculty Travel and Professional Development
The Global Studies Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The grant is designed to encourage and support secondary and postsecondary faculty travel abroad and the integration of the international experience into courses and curriculum. The foundation seeks applications for international work, study, or community service focused on education. Applications with an emphasis on establishing international connections and exchanges, as well as language training, are preferred.
July 1, annually
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Saucony Run for Good Program
Saucony Run for Good Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
In order to improve the lives of children and prevent and reduce childhood obesity, the foundation supports programs that promote running and healthy lifestyles for youth. The foundation is especially interested in programs provided to youth populations that are not traditionally exposed to running programs and programs that target childhood obesity.
Up to $10,000
August 1, annually
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Music Education Grants
The Mockingbird Foundation, Inc.
Geographic Eligibility:
The Mockingbird Foundation, Inc. offers grants to public schools and nonprofit organizations to support projects in music education. The primary focus is students, ages 18 and younger, with particular interest in projects that target underserved children. Grants may be used to obtain instruments, texts, and other materials, and for the support of learning space, practice space, performance space, and instructors or instruction. Projects should foster creative expression and promote self-esteem in any musical form (including composition, instrumentation, vocalization, or improvisation). The foundation encourages applications associated with diverse or unusual musical styles, genres, forms, and philosophies.
$100 to $5,000
August 1, annually
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Education and Youth Program Grants
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation awards grants to qualified nonprofit organizations that address its funding priorities. Among those are support for schools and other academic institutions. The foundation welcomes partnerships with nonprofit organizations that reach out to youth, particularly children who are homeless or within foster care, and that offer physical education programs.
$1,000 and greater
August 1, annually
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Environmental Education Grants
The Westerman Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The Westerman Foundation provides grants for education projects and youth programs primarily to Catholic prekindergarten through grade 12 schools and colleges. Grants support educational projects and programs intended for community growth and enhancement of youth programs which nurture the fundamental ideas of faith, charity, and the awareness of being fair.
Up to $50,000
August 1, annually
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Award for Outstanding Science Teacher of the Year
The Association for Science Teacher Education
Geographic Eligibility:
The purpose of these awards is to recognize the individual achievements and contributions of ASTE members in their first ten years of career and those beyond ten years. The award consists of the following two awards: Level One: Ten or Fewer Years in Science Education, and Level Two: 10+ Years of Career. Each recipient receives a plaque, a cash award from Carolina Biological Supply Company, and a tribute in the awards issue of the Journal of Science Teacher Education.
June 1, annually
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The NREA Exemplary Practices Award
National Rural Education Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The award is presented to an individual or organization for demonstrating exemplary practice in curriculum development, staff development, or administrative practices to provide more equitable educational opportunities for rural children; enhancement of communications within and among local school districts; promotion and development of state and regional delivery systems that bring about efficient and effective education for children in rural areas; curriculum planning or instructional strategies that utilize the rural, small school environment; and financial efficiency in school operations.
Award recipient receives complimentary registration to the annual NREA convention to receive the award.
June 15, annually
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Innovations in Reading Prize
National Book Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The foundation awards prizes to individuals and institutions that have developed innovative means of creating and sustaining a lifelong love of reading.
Up to $2,500.
Applications are available in January and due late February, annually.
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Student Achievement Grants
The NEA Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in US public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s). The proposed work should engage students in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen their knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.
$2,000 and $5,000.
June 1, annually.
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Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants
National Weather Association (NWA)
Geographic Eligibility:
Allows K-12 teachers to purchase scientific materials or equipment for the classroom, school or community; begin new school or community science outreach and education programs; enhance or expand existing meteorology / science education programs; or attend accredited courses, workshops or conferences related to meteorology that will significantly enhance their teaching activities.
June 1, annually.
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ChemClub Community Activities Grants
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Geographic Eligibility:
Supports chartered ACS ChemClubs in community interactions through service projects or by improving science learning experiences.
$300 or $500.
June 1, annually
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Air Force ROTC Grants
Geographic Eligibility:
Educators are invited to submit ideas on how aerospace plays a prominent role in today and tomorrow's society. Applications will be judged by the importance and the impact the selected aerospace activity will have on their students. Funds may be used for any aerospace education related activity from purchasing textbooks or videotapes, to going on a field trip to an aerospace museum, Air Force base or other aerospace facility.
Up to $250
February 10, annually
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Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award
National Science Teachers Association
Geographic Eligibility:
The foundation will recognize six (6) full-time K-12 teachers of science who successfully use innovation and excellence in their classroom.
$1,000, plus up to $1,000 for travel and expenses to attend and present at the NSTA National Congress on Science Education.
November 30, annually
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HSA Grant for Educators
The Herb Society of America, Inc.
Geographic Eligibility:
The Grant for Educators challenges individuals, groups or small businesses to develop and deliver learning experiences to the public. The grant rewards innovative projects that enhance herbal education in school systems, in communities, or in any public forum (electronic or person-to-person). It requires learning goals and a mechanism to measure the educational outcomes.
Up to $5,000
December 31, annually
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Special Needs Program Grants
Innovative Worthy Projects Foundation
Geographic Eligibility:
Innovating Worthy Projects Foundation provides financial grants for structuring, developing, or modifying special needs children's programs of organizations recognized as charities by the US Internal Revenue Service.
December 31, annually
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Minigrants for Special Projects
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
Geographic Eligibility:
Minigrants are awarded to ACEI members to support the implementation of outstanding education-related projects. Project descriptions are evaluated on the basis of their quality, importance to children's education, and their potential for achieving impact. Projects can either be direct service projects, projects to improve classroom instruction, or projects to enhance teacher education.
December 1, annually
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Greer/FTEE Grant
Foundation for Technology and Engineering Educators
Geographic Eligibility:
The purpose of the grant is to encourage professional development participation of classroom teachers and supervisors in technology and engineering education.
December 1, annually
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The Ruth Crymes TESOL Academies Fellowship
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Geographic Eligibility:
To support teachers who wish to attend a TESOL convention, academy, or symposium.
November 1, annually
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AP Rural Fellows Program
The College Board
Geographic Eligibility:
This is an annual competitive grant program that provides AP Summer Institute scholarships for teachers serving in rural areas of the country. The awards cover APSI tuition as well as travel and expenses.
February 15, annually
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Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Geographic Eligibility:
This contest recognizes three exceptional teachers for their outstanding commitment to teaching Americanism and patriotism to their students. Each year, a classroom elementary, junior high and high school teacher whose curriculum focuses on citizenship education topics — for at least half of the school day in a classroom environment — can be nominated for the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award.
Grants of $1,000 for each winner are awarded and $1,000 for each winner's school.
February 15, annually
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Outstanding Young Scholar Award
TOEFL Board of the Educational Testing Service
Geographic Eligibility:
The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual under the age of 40 whose scholarship or other major professional activities have made an outstanding contribution to the field of foreign or second language assessment.
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